Stop Warehouses & Trucks
Sign our petition
Display a “No Warehouse” YARD SIGN in your yard
Text Bob Harris at 732 586-7952
A $10.00 contribution offsets the cost of yard signs.
Professional expertise needed
Are you a professional who could help us with your specialized knowledge?
Do you know others who can help?
We are looking for expertise in the following fields:
Land use attorney
Traffic expert
Stormwater management
Media relations
Computer technology, website management
Donate to the cause. This is an investment to protect your investment
Make your checks payable to "SWAT," and forward them to Suzanne Ochse (425 Willow Road, Hillsborough, NJ) or bring them to a Planning Board meeting. (Donations are NOT deductible from your taxes.)
Write to your Township Officials
Contact information can be found here.
Attend meetings of the Planning Board, Ecological Commission, Township Committee, etc.
Attend as many meetings as possible. Typically, the Planning Board will consider only one project at any meeting.
Meeting agendas are posted in advance at​
Contact Us